In the history of evolution, why haven't any animals evolved to have wheels instead of legs?
because in order for a wheel to have any effect it must have a axle, and there would be no way for an animal to be able to posses anything nearly that delicate and complicated. Also, arn't legs better? The are much more maniverable, and the allow up to jump while wheels would not.
Animals adapt to certain conditions and mutate to fit them, according to Darwin's Theory of Evolution. On some other planet, maybe an animal has found the need for wheels. Or maybe it's dying out because its wheels suck! That's why evolution's awesome!
Simple. There would be no way to keep the wheel supplied with nutrition because blood vessels would break if they entered a wheel. Similarly, you could not have nerves reaching the wheel or muscles inserting on it. Of course, if you leave organic evolution and go to social evolution, you could say that humansevolved" wheels.
Because wheels don't allow one to spring. Legs are used to get somewhere and to get away from somewhere. Wheels might allow them to get to or get away from somewhere quicker on fairly level ground, but doesn't allow them to jump over or up to places they would normally need to in nature. So it would be anti-survivalistic. Edit: People who say that wheels are man-made or not natural are wrong. The circle is the most natural form there is and is found everywhere in nature. BTW Some spiders will spin a small web into a little wheel and use it to travel along the ground with.