I've looked into building a model of the Spartan 117 Halo armor from the popular x-box game. I found out that there is a large community of people who make full body, wearable models of the suit, but they are for the most part made of paper or card-board which is coated in layers of fiberglass resins to make it hard. Is it possible for me to make a model or frame for this, and instead coat it with some form of polyurethane, Carbon fiber or just old fashion metal to create a more How should I put this, usable Spartan suit? I don't have a endless budge, but just to humor me can this be done? Can I make a real (in a sense) spartan suit that would be able to take alot more hits then cardboard? And what materials would you suggest using if I attempt this? Thanks
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Carbon fibre is just that - fibre. It's good for making very strong ropes and fabrics but if you want to make solid objects you have to have a binder to hold the fibres in place and fill in the gaps between them. That's what the plastic or epoxy does.
well if you want to be hit while wearing it you may want to start with a card board base for the form, use several loose layers of coton or flannel on the inside and then aplly the carbon fiber to the exterior in a few layers allowing each to set before applying the next.maybe u should add a layer of kevlar. Good luck