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rear tire chirps over bumps?

I have a 98 mustang, and I had the back breaks done on it about 2 months ago. About a month after, I did the front brakes myself, and about when I did, I started noticing a light chirp from my back passenger tire. Over time it has gotten worse. Its a little louder, but still a chirp, and it only happens when the tire vibrates ( speed bumps, shallow pot holes in the road, ect).I do not know if it is the brakes, but I have a sneaking suspicion. I figured I would ask to see if anyone else had any ideas. The reason I think so is because I have never heard it before, and I ALWAYS listen to my car. I do my own maintenance on it usually, so I am fairly intimate with it and any repairs would be no biggie. Thanks in advance.


I have owned a 98 mustang for a few years and I am a driver that listens also. Now this sounds crazy, but check it out. The only chirp sounds my 98 mustang made were the ones coming from the rear seats. They vibrated even though they were latched up. I took some soft foam pieces and wedged it in along side of the seat backs. Cured the problem. Good luck. I'm serious.

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