Hello. I set up remote desktop on lets say network 1 (home network). Now, network 2 is a company network which has proxies and firewalls and have limited access to the internet. Now, on Network 2, I cannot connect to Remote Desktop since network 2 admins block the port. I then change the port to 8080 on Network 1 and THEN, I can connect to remote desktop on Network 1 through Network 2.Now, is it possible that I could control Network 2's Desktop without interferring with Network 2's Firewall Settings? That Means, I go on Network 2's computer. I then make a remote desktop connection to Network 1 through Port 8080 and from there, allow the Network 1 computer to control the Network 2 computer? Is something like this possible?
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They actually can't. They just can detect your excitement, fear etc. which caused from your awareness of you're lying. So those machines basically looking for any excitement reaction in your body. If you really believe that you're telling the true they just can't understand anything. You just have to believe. So use your imagination. Does your body heat drops when you excited or fear?