Does anyone know if Auto Zone or maybe Oreilly's allows people to rent engine hoists?Gotta go pick up an engine really quick tomorrow but can't find anyone that has one so needed to try and rent one but idk where to look to get one :( any help would be nice :) thanks
Engine Hoist Rental Autozone
This Site Might Help You. RE: Renting an Engine Hoist? (cherry picker)? Does anyone know if Auto Zone or maybe Oreilly's allows people to rent engine hoists? Gotta go pick up an engine really quick tomorrow but can't find anyone that has one so needed to try and rent one but idk where to look to get one :( any help would be nice :) thanks
Auto Zone and Oreillys does not. You need to either find a local car junkie, or goto an engine rebuilder. The best chance to rent one would be a rental center. In NJ we have rental centers that rent lawn/garden equiptment, engine hoists and pickers, and machinery. Thats your best bet. Check yellow pages for the rental center. Good Luck
All three rental shops in my town rent lifts. Can't imagine you don't have one who will. Not auto specialties. Just regular old rental store that handles everything from vacuum cleaners to Bob Cats.
i dont think they rent them try to see if a buddy has one you can use or park it under a tree find a good limb and use a chain and pully to lift it out