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Residential building double stairs platform width, railings handrail height of what are the provisions

Residential building double stairs platform width, railings handrail height of what are the provisions


and also: First, according to the "Residential Design Code" GB 50096 - 1999 (2003 edition) of the 4.1.4 staircase platform net width should not be less than the staircase ladder width, and not less than 1.20m. Second, according to the "Civil Building Design General" GB 50352-2005 6.7.3 ladder change direction, the armrest at the end of the platform minimum width should not be less than the width of the ladder, and not less than 1.20m, when a large transport The object should be widened as needed. 1.2m is the actual completion of the acceptance of the net width, when the time to consider the impact of plaster thickness. The width of the ladder is the distance from the center line of the handrail to the surface of the opposite wall, so the width of the stairway is the distance from the wall surface at the corner of the stairs.
Railings, balconies, verandahs, indoor corridors, inner patio, rooftops and outdoor stairs should be provided with protective railing, and should meet the following requirements: First, the railing should be made of rugged, durable materials and can withstand the horizontal load specified in the load specification; Second, the railing height should not be less than 1.05m, high-rise building railings height should be appropriate to improve, but not more than 1.20m; Third, the railing from the ground or roof 0.10m height should not be left empty; Fourth, there are places of children activities, railings should be difficult to climb the structure.
The width of the staircase for the main traffic staircase for daily use shall be determined according to the characteristics of the use of the building, and shall generally be determined according to the number of shares of the population of 0.55+ (0 to 0.15) m per person, and shall not be less than two. Second, the ladder change direction, the platform armrest at the minimum width should not be less than the net width of the ladder. Third, the progress of each ladder should generally not exceed 18, nor should not be less than 3. Fourth, the staircase platform upper and lower corners of the net height should not be less than 2m. Floor height should not be less than 2.20m. 5, there are children often use the staircase ladder net width greater than 0.20m, must take security measures.

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