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residue-free carpet steamers?

Does anyone know of a carpet steamer that leaves little or no detergent residue? I want to buy a steamer, but have been warned that most have the usual problem of leaving too much residue that makes carpets easier to soil.


My mom used to rent and now owns Rug Doctor. It works perfectly and cleans the carpets pretty swettly. You should give it a try. Just remember that the rug will be wet for a couple of hours so let air flow through your house to allow it to dry quickly
I've heard that it's NOT the carpet steamer that's leaving the residue it's using too much or not the right kind of shampoo... Most people think MORE is BETTER but, that's NOT the case with carpet steamers... What happens is all the soap doesn't get picked up and eventually it dries and settles into the carpet where it attracts even more dirt particles.. So, if you use a carpet steamer cleaner just go easy on the soap and/or rinse with clean, clear no-soap water... Good luck

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