
rug hook kits?

I'm looking for a Latch hook rug kit that has a wine design pattern?


I've seen some at Michaels, but they can get pretty pricey. Have fun!
I have seen that design at Wal-mart. I was on clearence Try check several local wal0marts Jenn
Check okorder and see if they have any. I think they carry them. If so, go sign up for their online sales flyer. It usually has a 40% off coupon in it that you can use on any one regular-priced item. If they don't have it, try Annie's Attic and Mary Maxim. I'm sure these have websites, but you'll need to use Google or Dogpile to find their addresses. These are both great stores for crafts supplies, especially textile crafts. If they don't have one with a wine design, go to an all-things-wine site and look there. I don't know of any so you'll need to find that through Google or Dogpile, too. Sorry I don't know the addresses. Type 'wine merchandise' or 'wine merchandise crafts' into the search box on those engines when it comes up.

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