I have a light weight rug on top of a thick wall to wall carpet? I have tried to use padding made for this purpose but it does not work. The rug continues o bunch up and not lay flat.Thanks
How about double sided tape?
Why dont you get some self adhiesive velcro and stick it to the back of the rug and on the carpet then it wont move.
Generally speaking, a light weight rug is not going to lay very flat on top of a THICKER carpet. You might try looking for a heavier weight rug in a similar style instead. Even if you use tape, I think it would still not look right. It would look kind of bumpy. Sisal rugs look nice over some carpets and they are heavy enough to lay flat.
I had a rug like this, too..if I left it a week it would move 2 feet sideways. I think it is partly from static between the different materials in the two, and partly the longer tufts of the bottom carpet act as fingers to keep shifting the top one. That sticky rubbery underlay stuff only works on smooth hard floors. I've gone desperate and put long tacks into the corners of the rug, through to the floor. If you use large head ones they are easy to find and pull out sometimes, to vacuum under.
if the wood flooring underneath is crappy and you dont care about it, you can nail carpenters pegboard to the carpet - it must be the exact size of the area rug ... lay a no slip device over the pegboard and then lay the area rug over the no slip device. bam. problem solved. the area rug will NEVER move. go to a lumber store to get the pegboard. have them cut it to be the exact size of the area rug or slightly smaller but not bigger