I drive a Honda S2000 AP2, my mechanic friend says that there aren‘t many parts that increase power in S2000‘s without having to spend loads of money, as well as a lot of owners saying that the only cold air intake worth buying is 1000$! (according to a s2000 forum). Any S2000 owners care to share their experiences?
There is no point to a cold air intake. While many intakes do have a preheater, that is to improve gas economy. So it costs mileage to have a cold air intake. But then you can just disable the preheater, and don't have to buy anything. The cold air intakes actually usually just have a larger air filter, so they can take in more air. Which really is just like being able to push down further on the gas pedal. And that is not really a good idea. The engine will not last long if you do that. It is also true that a metal intake pipe instead of plastic, and one with smooth bends, will work slightly better due to resonance. But that is fairly minor on most cars. The intake would need equal lengths to all cylinders in order for that to do any good.