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Scaffold/Industrial piercing question?

So I'm going to get a scaffold/industrial piercing, and I had a few questions:-does your ear have to be a special quot;shapequot;? Like I mean does you outer ear cartilage rim have to stick more so it can be pierced?My outer cartilage rim is a little flat but it still sticks up -Would this make my piercing reject?Thanks! :)))


You can still get the scaffold done, but it might not take to your body well. You also need to be careful of the piercer that you choose. If your piercer places the bar in the wrong place, it can cause keloids or stress bumps. This might also happen if you don't have the right ear. I got an industrial, and my piercer didn't seem to put the bar exactly where I wanted on one end. Although I took very good care of my piercing, and didn't put any stress on it, I still got a keloid on that side of the ear, and it wouldn't go away. A lot of my friends had beautiful industrials, and I couldn't figure out why mine looked the way I did until I did a little more research, and the keloid appeared because my piercer did not pierce my ear in the correct location. I had to remove the piercing for the keloid to disappear. This might happen to those who don't have ears that are fit for an industrial. If you do decide to get it, please don't mess with it (although it's hard not to). When you sleep, try cupping your hand over your ear so that you don't put pressure on the piercing. :-) If you don't know what side you'd like it on, get it on the side that you sleep on the least. You may get a bit of a stress bump around the piercing, but these tend to disappear once the piercing heals up.
Ummm I think it does have to be a certain shape because when I got mine my piercer said she had to check if I had the right kind of ear.

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