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Second floor business interior staircase height and width of the highest and the narrowest can do much ah?

Second floor business interior staircase height and width of the highest and the narrowest can do much ah? Due to commercial separation of relatively small one or two layers of the use of less than 200 square meters area


Article 3.1.6 The business section of the common staircase, ramp should meet the following requirements: First, the indoor staircase the width of each ladder should not be less than 1.40m, step height should not be greater than 0.16m, step width should not be less than 0.28m; Second, the outdoor step stepping height should not be greater than 0.15m, step width should not be less than 0.30m;
According to "General Principles of Civil Building Design" Table 6.7.10 Stepping width of the smallest 260mm, the maximum height of 170mm I am a registered architect at the national level.
You stairs to see how long your stairs design, how long the span, and then calculated.
Staircase width can do 80-70 cm, into the depth can be done 25 cm, the height depends on the location of your stairs and the size of the staircase.

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