Section of the 1.8M * 2.4M, the length of 7 meters frame beam how to support?
To steel pipe fastener type support, wooden plywood template as an example 24m high beam, you can consider setting the level of construction joints, layered pouring, for example, two times So the requirements of the template will be greatly reduced The following is a pouring to consider the template stent Feeling, 600X600 spacing can be erected This horizontal horizontal row of steel pipe Did not pass the calculation review Sweep bar, horizontal bar, scissors support and other bar settings see specification the pole with the top care, top care set 100X100 beam horizontal wooden side as the main keel, the top of the beam set by 40X60 wooden side @ 300 side mold reinforcement Beam bottom side mold set step by step Set the pull bolts to a height of 300 steps As the beam width of 18 meters, to be carefully set Appropriate plus bracing
The latter provisions of the more reasonable
Are you asking for a template erection method? Specification for the construction of the template JGJ162-2008 Technical specification for the safety of the construction template, JGJ130-2011 Construction technology of the fastener type steel pipe