
Senior Projectcrochet?

I want to learn how to crochet for my senior project and i was either going to crochet an afhgan and bring it with me to college next year or baby blankets and donate them to a hospital but i need a topic for my research paper (my mom thought i should do care of premature babies, but i don't think that relates enough)Any ideas on a research paper topic to go along with crocheting?


You could write a paper on the history of crochetIf that subject is too broad you could look at the rise of crochet in Victorian Europe Another option would be a paper on yarnThere are many materials for yarn and each has various attributesYou could easily fill a few pages with info on each fiber type, its care and use, history etcYou could also follow one type of fiber from harvesting, through spinning, and finally into a finished garment You could stretch and do a paper on fiber arts as a wholeKnitting, crochet, tunisian crochet, spinning, and weaving share a huge part in human history.
To quote you; Do you actually think if a single cell phone could affect the communications and instruments of airplanes Well, see that's the trickShow me anyplace where there would be only just one person who would want to use their cell phoneI'm kind of glad cell phoen use is banned on flights anywaysWho wants to hear a plane full of people yacking on their cell phones for hours and hours? Do what people did when there wasn't any cell phonesWait til you land People were able to survive without them years ago and I'm sure they still can today.
dude DO YOU KNOW HOW TO READ?? if so READ THE MANUAL of your Blackberry phoneit is for your safety not just you but for everybody inside the plane airline regulations are there to protect the passengers one accident and your DEAD if there is accident and when they investigate what cause the accident one passenger was using a phone and cause a miss communication with pilots and the towerso two plane to collide and killed all the passengers in both planeand the families of those people in the plane with you and in the other plane will hunt your family down.
Even if the airline didn't care about cell phone usage, by law they are supposed to say thatIf you ever listen they say something like And due to FAA regulations, you must keep your cell phone off at all times, except when taxiing to or from the gate.
Just so you know… Try placing your cellular phone close to an FM radio when listening to your favorite tune, and then call it from another phone… What did you hear before your phone rang? You most likely heard a series of staccato tones audible through the radio speaker These tones represent a burst of data your phone is receiving or sending to the cell network; additionally you will hear these tones periodically when your phone checks in with or jumps to the nearest tower to let the system know where you are within the network coverage areaThis same tone will occur through the audio portion of one of many aircraft communication and navigation radios every time your cell phone rings, or when it jumps to a new towerThese tones are an annoyance and are a distraction to the pilots when they are attempting to communicate with control towers, area control centers, or when they are identifying morse coded navigation aidsMultiply this by every one who has left their phone on, and you’ll have a problem: Terminal Controller: “Airliner 123, can you accept vectors for the short gate ILS?” Mean while splashed over top of that transmission is: “BUUUUUH, BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH as your cell phone switches to another cell towerPilot Response: “Terminal, say again there was interference over the radio” “BUUUUUH, BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH Your class action lawsuit would come in handy for every pilot who came back into the cabin to shove every ones cell phone up their backsideAnd besides, if the airlines wanted to make more money from you they would just charge you for the use of the lavatory.

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