Shielded twisted pair how to play a shielding effect?
Therefore, the entire system is required to shield the device, including cables, sockets, water [1] crystal head and patch panels, etc., while the building needs a good ground system.
According to the different shielding methods, shielded twisted pair is divided into two categories, namely STP (Shielded Twisted-Pair) and FTP (Foil Twisted-Pair).
Similar to a coaxial cable, it must be equipped with a special connector that supports shielding and the corresponding mounting technology.
The outer layer of the shielded twisted pair cable is wrapped by aluminum foil to reduce the radiation but does not completely eliminate the radiation.
STP refers to each line has its own shielded shielded twisted pair, and FTP is the use of the overall shielded shielded twisted pair It should be noted that the shield is only in the entire cable are shielded devices, and both ends of the ground Circumstances only work.