I am going to be working as a mechanic at my school and I just wanted to know if I should get the steel toe boots or regular. I heard that steel toe boots can be dangerous and uncomfortable. The mechanics recommended getting steel toe to be safe but i'm not sure.
Steel toe boots they protect your feet and toes a lot better and if u are going to be working they would be better to have than soft toe boots
If I was you, I would get steel toe boots, because I got soft toe boots and at the toe part, it dented in, because I used them for riding dirtbikes, I wish I would of got steel toe boots, u should get steel toe because later on you might wish u would of got them:) hope this help
Get soft toe boots because if something falls on the steel toe boots the metal goes thru the boot and cuts you.
Steel toed boots are much safer than regular work boots. As a mechanic you'll be lifting many heavy things and using many tools. If something drops, than it won't hurt. And with the work I've done, I drop things all the time and I'm glad that I was wearing steel toed boots.