There's a defective heating unit in my apartment, which is currently in the process of being fixedBut it will take a few daysIn the meantime, the temperatures outside make my apartment coldI have to wear my jacket all day because of the temperatureI'm not so much worried about myself, but about my dogHe's a maltipoo, 9 years old, about 15 lbsIs his fur sufficient coverage from these less-than-desirable temperatures? Or should I be covering him with something (i.ea blanket, a shirt or sweater of some sort)? Obviously, I just put on a jacket or long sleevesThen again, I don't have furI want him to be comfortable during all of this, but I don't want to leave him cold or run the risk of making him too hotI've had him for almost two years, but for a lot of that time, we lived in Florida where this wasn't a problemAny help or feedback is appreciatedThanks!
You could also put your serving platters on top of an electric heating pad.
yes you can use a toss away aluminum pan to keep the food in just make sure the sterno is kept the right distance away from the pan to keep it heated correctly and keep the pan intactif possible use a heavier dish and just line it with the toos away pan
I do not about Walmart but you can usually find things like that in Goodwill storesAn aluminum tray would melt take my word for it.
if the dog is burrowing into blankets, get him a sweater or cotton hoodie if it is not severely cold but if it is not that cold, he should be okay my little guy is only five pounds and he sleeps out on the patio in temperatures that have me under a blanket inside and he does not need a jacket or anything .