I have not been able to open anything at all, that is listed in my control panel. Add/Remove, Change Date and Time, etc I have run Virus scans, Spyware Scans, Cleaned my Cache, did a Defrag, everythings clean and it still won't work. Would doing a System Restore in Safe Mode, help me with this problem? How do I get to Safe Mode? The problem with me and System Restore, is that sometimes when I try it, my Computer Crashes, so I'm hesitating on doing one. Why does my computer crash? Does anyone know the best way for me to be able to gain access to my Control Panel? Do I need to do something other than a System Restore? If I do a System Restore in Safe Mode, then how do I go back to Normal Mode, when the System Restore is done? Sorry about all the questions, but they are all related to the same subject. Please answer if you can help me! Thanks! I'm not sure if this is the right category, so I'm going with suggested category!
Maybe it's because church steeples are the highest point in some towns? And God says not to tempt him; to blatantly say God will not hit this building is asking for the same fate of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic. Didn't they say even God could not sink it? How did that turn out?
I heard that Clump Crusher is really good! it does not leave any clumps and it makes it more voluminous and loger at the same time!
You are better off to buy one. And you'll need more than one, depending on the size of your house. I'd venture 2 or 3 at least. Have it professionally installed since it involves climbing on the roof and if done wrong can cause a lot of damage. You may qualify for a break on your homeowner's insurance. Google lightning rod for where to buy or hire.