My baby is 5 and a half months old and we will be getting her a feeding chair soon but can't decide on a high chair or one that you attach to the table. Which is the better option? Any advice greatly appreciated!
Hi there, I have a 2 year old boy and we have used a high chair for quite awhile. Its worked real well, but now we are thinking of switching to a booster chair so he can sit at the table. The thing I like about the high chair is that it has wheels (most of them do) Its nice for wheeling them around if they dont have to be at the table. Also from what I have seen the table chairs dont appear to be as safe.
Well, I say it depends on the size of your family and your dining room set. If you have enough extra chairs that having one turned into a high chair isn't a problem, just get a booster seat that attaches to a chair. The ones that attach to the tables have a weight limit, and actual high chairs have mobility issues. I have both a high chair and a feeding chair for my daughter, we rarely used the high chair in our old apartment because it didn't fold, and took up a lot of space. I have a safety first foldable travel chair and my daughter uses it all the time. It's nice cause you can use it to help them learn to sit up(if your daughter isn't already), it can be used at the table or stands alone on the floor without the height danger, for snacktime or when you're out at the beach or something. It has a tray and a removable liner to make cleanup easier. It straps to a regular chair just as sturdily as a carseat, and it has straps as well. Once they get a little older, you can just take the tray off and use it as a booster seat too. Good luck!
I'd get a high chair. Those table chairs are nice, but once your child can move about good he can wriggle the chair off the table and fall. A high chair can be used as long as its needed, up to 2-3 years old if you like. The table chairs cannot.
I okorder you can get many great deals on high chairs and other used things. The cool thing with a high chair is that even if you get it used you can still wash all the parts and have it like brand new for less money.