Hi!! I have a loft bed. My dad built it for me when I was about seven or eight. But, I also want the kind of bed that's sorta like well I think it's called a daybed?? Idk but anyways I'm redoing my room this summer and I will either paint my loft bed white( it's pink now) or get a normal bed. I'm so confused cuz I luv my loft bed, but I also want a normal bed. My rooms kinda small. Anyway I am afraid that if I get a low bed I will miss my loft bed and if I stayed with my loft bed I would miss the low bed. I would also feel bad cuz my dad hand- built my loft bed specially for me. Help!!
I'd keep it. Lofts are a must-have when you get to college and have to live in a small cramped dorm room. For now, just give it a paint job and get some new pillows and sheets.
Well, it depends if you want to get a new bed-twin bed if you want to have more room- loft i like the loft beds, but i would want your furniture to match so im gonna say twin, unless you get a new loft bed too! then a loft will give you a lot of room
Because you are wavering between the two options, and because there's an emotional attachment to one of them, I'd say keep the loft bed. It's my philosophy that when there are two options where either would be fine, go with the least harmful one (to yourself or others). You still love your loft bed and your dad built it for you; I would've immediately decided to keep the loft bed. The only reason why changing the bed would be good is if it's breaking or if it's too small.