Do you think motorcycles should be allowed to park in fire zones? they are too small to really block a hydrant, and a hose could easily go over/around them. what are your thoughts?
It is not a statutory or regulatory requirement - it's a Best Business Practice that many busnesses use - and they use it for the exact same reasons you list, to keep repeats occurances from happening. The after-action report or summary SHOULD be shared with department heads so they know what needs to be improved. If Department X didn't close their doors or Department Y never heard the alarms, the people involved need to know so the problem can be fixed. Brian Raini
Yes, you can. Your house? Do you have the title to it? No? Then, it's not your house. You don't get to make your own rules. You signed a contract when you moved in. What you can and cannot have is clearly stated in there.