Since technological innovation is bad according to Dear Leader, should he drop a trillion on spoon ready jobs? Think of all of the jobs that would create, a bunch of union hacks digging holes with spoons.
he just needs to leave he's done enough to bring change gonna take awhile to bring change for the better
The national debt was well over one trillion dollars far before Barack Obama took office. It is unfair to blame it on him simply because he is the current president.
No he should instead purchase a one way ticket to any where for him and his family and resign from office
American Women, go ahead and report away I don't give a SHiiT.I have been here 6 years .I average 2 to 3 new accounts a DAY. I am strictly here to mock-harass Whitey Scum PUTAs and Paul g's gang.I hardly ever rationalize with anyone and especially Whitey Scum PUTAs.
A million union men with tea spoons can replace 4 excavators.The liberal way of thinking.