I have reds bones bearings and they were all fine until today. I got them over a month ago and haven't cleaned them. Today I ran over a pebble going fast and fell. Right after that my bearings on one of my wheels stopped spinning. I could ride but they don't spin when I spin them with my hand. I think something got in the bearings. It's both of the bearings in the wheel not just one. What could I do to check if there's anything in them? What do I do if there is? And how do I clean the bearings? What do I need? Thanks for helping!
Here are some good links to visit. What I do is: Pop of the sheild with a small nail, or you could use a thumbtack Clean them with a reccomended cleaner Ex. rubbing alcohol Spin them pinching the middle with my fingers to remove dirt, Dry them, Put the sheilds back on, Wipe the bearings with the sheilds on, on a old towel to make them look new, And put some Bones speedcream in them, Put em' back on the wheels. Hope this helps.
Yeah guy. of direction which would be advantageous. i've got achieved that earlier while i became into youthful because of the fact I had no longer the rest lol. Yeah, purely placed it on and roll your wheels and placed greater on. try this for some days in a row and your bearings would be spinning and spinning and spinning!
Take your bearings out and clean them
I'd advise getting some lube for them, preferably bones speed cream. that will make your reds perform like super swiss. Just give the bearings a little clean to get the grit out, put them back in the wheels then take the little red caps off and put a few drops of lube in there. after that just give them a good few spins to work the lube in decently and that should be it.