Lately my bumgenius diapers have a super strong smell as soon as Elyse pees in them. They come out of the wash nice and fresh and then instantly stink like cat pee when she goes in them. I've heard this is due to detergent build up so I stripped them multiple times with super hot water. I still have stinky diapers! Any advice from the seasoned cloth diapering moms!?p.s. we use all free and clear and barely use any detergent (1/4 recommended amount) I also used a calgon treatment to see if was our hard water. Our typical wash routine is once in cold with 1/4 detergent, once in hot with 1/4 detergent and then a hot cycle with no detergent - if there are still bubbles I'll add an additional cold rinse.I'm thinking of switching to planet ultra detergent - any one use that detergent?
Try a bit of vinegar in the washit helps get out smells.
I LOVE Planet Ultra!!! I'd squirt a bit of Dawn dish soap in a warm rinse, then rinse at least once more. When there are no more bubbles, they should be fine! I find my diapers are fresher when I hang them to dry as opposed to using my dryer. Good luck!
Have you tried vinegar? That's really good for stripping detergent out, and removes odours and softens clothes. I would soak them in a strong solution (1:4 - 1:10) and then wash them. Then keep using vinegar in the rinse (1/4 cup is usually fine, sometimes a half) -use the fabric softener dispenser. For the hard water try 1/4-1/2 cup of baking soda in the wash.
could it be because your copper turns into silver (leaving less copper) which then in turn turns into gold? other than that i'm not sure.