its an old song. maybe three years old.i forgot the name.shes in a hotel she gets on the phone acts like shes sick so her security guard can walk away from the door shes wearing a blue lace top.
Check your horses teeth see if they may need floated. If thats not the problem see a vet and put him on a nutreintion plan that suits his needs. Do you have plans to use him for breeding, if not get him gelded.
The most important thing for all horses diets is forage first before grain or oats. How much hay does he get? Does he get to spend his days in a pasture with grass? If he is in a pasture with minimal grass, he needs to be given more hay. If he is stalled at night, but has access to grass during the day, you should probably bump up his hay intake in the stall as well. If he's on too much grain without enough roughage, it can cause stomach ulcers, which could account for his weight gains losses. Check with your vet as to what he/she thinks your horse should get. Good luck!!
How MUCH are you feeding? What kind of hay - is it good quality? A two-year-old needs special feeding because he is growing. He could be having growth spurts (height) that result in his body mass being thinner at these times. I think you mean 10 percent protein feed. I'd add some beet pulp, rice bran or better yet - a supplement like SOURCE. Make sure he has adequate hay - horses need plenty of grass or hay to maintain weight. He doesn't necessarily need more protein, but bump him up on the amount of feed he gets and maybe increase his hay. I like to feed my horses free choice hay just as if they were grazing.
Clifford AvantGuard 5. It is the best alarm on the market. The only feature it lacks is a 2 way paging system. The 5.5x is supposed to be released soon, and it adds 2 way paging.
I've noticed this with a lot of my stud horses too. With the hormones running through his body it'll make him have high energy and even stress. If you aren't planning on using him for breeding purposes then you should go ahead and geld him. Please don't keep him a stud for the pleasure of telling other people that you have one. Many stallions will have a peak of hormones during one part of a month. He'll be more high strung, jumpy, and not acting like his normal self. If he is around Mares then you'll have an even bigger problem. Some mares even when they are not in a heat cycle or are an-estrous will still tease stallions. This will elevate stress in your stallion and even make him drop weight. If you are going to keep him a stud you may need to put him on a performance formula feed. These feeds are designed for horses that are on the road going to shows, hauled a lot, and stallions. They have higher fat content and have added vitamins and minerals for horses that are undergoing the stress of the road, shows, new habitat, and at stud. If you already know when your horses weight drops, adjust his feed and hay ration accordingly. Meaning, if it's coming up on the time that he drops- add a little more feed and if you are able give him free choice horse quality hay. If you go ahead and geld him- then put him on a complete feed such as Safe choice or Strategy. And always make sure that your equine is getting horse quality hay- along with a salt and mineral blockalso in loose form.with fresh water available at all times. Good luck and Happy Trails