I want to consider digging a hole for the foundation of an addition with crawl space to my home. This hole would have to be at least 4 feet deep for the frost line and would have to be the perimeter of the addition so 40 or more feet depending on how big of an addition. My question is, what are my options for digging this monster hole?I know I can always do the shovel and pickax route. And I know I can rent a mini excavator for about $200 a day from stores. Does anyone have any other inexpensive ways or some creative ideas that I could use to make this job a little easier?
Buy a bomb and strike it in. Good luck. (Just kidding, hope that you will make really deep hole).
Try rental places, but you will find costs of $500 a day for a backhoe to do the work with.
Find a local private party with a backhoe or bulldozer. He can do the job in a day. But what are you going to do with the dirt from the hole? Takes some planning to spread around that much dirt on the property, taking into account drainage and several other factors. if you want to grow something on it you will have to bring in topsoil. So figure 3 days for the bulldozer guy.