I thought that plants only preformed photosynthesis but I guess I am wrong. Please explain in simple terms. Plants still give off mostly oxygen right?
Photosynthesis is a metabolic pathway that converts gentle potential into chemical potential. cellular respiration is the set of the metabolic reactions and methods that ensue in organisms' cells to transform biochemical potential from foodstuff into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then launch waste products. In merely photosynthesis is used to make nutrients and by means of cellular respiration it consume nutrients.
well, you seem that you're still learning it, so to give you a very simple and right answer..... here you are :- During daylight, some molecules in the plant leaf ,(called chlorophyll)as you knowm, receive light energy and convert it to potential chemical energy ( don't meant to know it ), this ENERGY is used to convert CO2 + water in the presence of enzyms --to->glucose+Oxygen Then, during dark ( where no light available ) the doesn't die, but it uses the Oxygen to perform what's called cellular respiration giving rise CO2. So finally, plants perform photosynthesis during Light and perform respiration during darkness. Don't hesitate to ask any question, that's why yahoo answer is made. thank you and goodbye.
photosynthesis is the production of glucose using light energy then the cells in the plant use this glucose during respiration to produce energy