of dollars for US defense contractors, mostly Southern and mostly conservative.Gee you don't think that affects Fox News opinions does it?
Personally, I LOVE Captain America, but yeah, from a different standpoint, it is. I think he needs at least a gun. Or any weapon. I still love him though.
Gel stains work the best on fiberglass, follow the directions on the can.
If I was A-Rod I would definitely welcome a trade to Miami. At this point he is pretty much in a no-win situation in NY and the fans are pretty much just waiting for him to fail. Even if he has an MVP-caliber season next year and wins another Ring the city will turn on him the first 0-12 stretch he hits the following year. In Miami he could relax. He could be the complimentary veteran on a team with low expectationsWhat's more, he would be the lightning rod that drew all the negative attention from media and fans in other cities that would take a lot of pressure off the younger Marlins. Finally, part of A-Rod's problem is his desperate need to be loved. In New York he will always be the Anti-Jeter. In Miami he could be a hero in the Latin American community and gain the community respect that he will never get in NY.