hey ive heard the mel hidrocharme's are good, But what about natural Quartz ?ooh AND are fxeyes halo and jazmin any good (natural)?.Thankyou x
Quartz is indeed a mineral. Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic, have a definite chemical composition and can be expressed as a chemical formula. For quartz, the formula is Si O2. However, a rock can be quartz as well. The official term is monomineralic rock. That means that the rock consists of one mineral. In my part of the country, pure, white quartz veins run through igneous and sedimentary rocks. A chunk of that white quartz is a rock, but it is also a mineral.
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral. Minerals are solid compounds of specific chemical formulas found in the earth. Rocks are an aggregate of different minerals produced by sedimentary, igneous and plutonic processes. For instance, quartz is silicon dioxide (SiO2) and is found in many types of rock such as granite, which contains other minerals such as feldspars, hornblende, biotite, muscovite and minor accessory minerals, like magnetite, garnet, corundum, zircon and apatite.