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Sony viao or an HP laptop?

i am a student and need a laptop. which laptop brand and model is better? thank you.


HP laptops are just as gold as Sony laptops of not better. You generally pay more for Sony bc of their name which is ridiculous. I would definitely go with an HP bc you can get a great quality computer that's just as good for much less money!
Sony vaio is the best, but I don't know how the HP brand is. Personally, I heard good things about the Hp. I own a sony vaio for 2 years going in to 3 yrs, and it still works good as new! I haven't gotten a problem with it, and I wouldn't trade it in for a Hp! It all depends on you. Why not head out to best buy and see what the salesmen think. You can look at both laptop and see which one you prefer. Good luck choosing!
It Depends on what you are buying. I would say Hp has more value for money. But Sony makes Laptops with the greatest style and parts. its ultimately your choice.
Mari has the right idea. Sony laptops are more expensive for the brand. Go HP.
hp. with sony your only paying for the name

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