Looking to put some insulation in our attic and had a few contractors come over and tell me where they would spray the insulationOne guy said he would spray the ceiling/roof and the wall facing inThe other guy said he would insulate the floor and wall and leave the ceiling aloneAnyone have a thought what is right or better? both make sence to me but would like some input from others! thanks ppl.
The attic is meant to be a cold-zoneInsulate the floor but not the ceilingInsulating the ceiling will only trap heat in the attic, which will do nothing but cook your shingles in the summer, and cause ice dams in winterInsulating the attic floor helps to keep heat within the living area of your homeOnce the heat reaches the attic, you want it to go away (which is why attics are vented).
go to an automotive store, buy 2 or 3 cans of Chrome spray paint, give each glass sheet 2 coats [on one side]