So I was watching the interview on the Today Show this morning about the the woman South West Airlines gave a hard time about the clothes she was wearing. What do you guys think about the outfit. First off, I do see where her skirt was really short but her 2 tops were perfectly fine. The undershirt didnt even get anywhere near her breasts or show even the slightest crack between her breasts.I have to include that if my daughter went out in the outfit, I probably would have told her to go and change her skirt. It was a cute outfit, but too short.
use a different shield, they're not always compatible with every helmet. either that or try using a different helmet altogether, it is your decision.
He may have a shock sensor on the alarm set too sensitive and it is tripping, either that or some other switch not set correct and it is not being made when it should. Just maybe, it could be some kids, playing around and having some fun. I had that problem once, a kid just liked hearing the alarm, when I caught him, it wasn't so funny, then. Finally, it is possible it is a tech glitch, or improper installation. good luck I would mention this to him, and if it still does it, call the police and report it for disturbing the peace.
Yes, it would release small solids into the air, which is what smoke is.