I‘m taking a ceramics class on saturday mornings at a local college.Would it be worth taking notes? or would it just get in the way.
Many of my students have notebooks for notes -- some are loose leaf so they can put handouts in them. I give out handouts on all sorts of things such as ceramic terms, steps on throwing a pot, tools for your tool box, a shrinkage chart, and more. Many of these handouts are available to download form my website (see link). They always take notes during my demonstrations and keep track of their work in the notebooks: --drawings of projects they want to make --specific design options --drawings of alternative ideas for decorating a piece --list of the work they are producing and where it is in the process: waiting to be bisqued, glazed and waiting to be fired, etc. --specific notes on how they glazed a piece -- the glazes, the techniques --questions they want to ask and techniques they want help with There is so much to learn and so many options for techniques used, it helps them sort things out and remember the instructions for certain techniques and processes.
all however the very easiest training require day trip of sophistication. provided that how plenty is needed of you relies upon on the particular type you could ask people who've quite taken the comparable type with the comparable instructor. this is going to additionally count what grade you desire. in case you have actually no activity in it, then chosen something you have a complication-unfastened activity in. in case you're taking a sort, then you definately could take it particularly heavily. you do no longer could be the two severe approximately all training, that would not be achievable, yet you're finding out to purchase it and you could see which you will get the optimum out of it to your very own sake.
Absolutely take notes. Keep a sketch book for ideas and the like and take notes in that.