about tanning faster.. better.. type of bed.. skin.. hair damaged color fading etccc
Best tip I can give you? Don't. Tanning beds use high amounts of UV lights to tan you and give you quick results. These are the same sort of rays given off by the sun, so you're actually getting as damaged as you would if you were baking yourself in the sun. This can cause freckles, moles, and sometimes cancerous melanoma's. Your best bet is to use a fake tan. Spray tan, mousse tan, lotion tan, tanning gel. There are heaps of types of fake tans that give you a golden glow. I reccomend St Tropez for the best colour, or Palmers for a gradual tan. You'll have the colour and the glow without skin damage and leathery skin.
Firstly, screw people who jump to the 'DON'T DO IT!' conclusion. The only tip really is... exfoliate. buy an expensive accelerating lotion (they sell them at the tanning salon). and go twice a week. It shouldn't hurt your hair. A 20 minute bed is the cheapest, as long as you tan fairly easily in the sun, it's all you will need. Super pale people usually don't get much out of the tanning bed. Maybe a shade or two darker on their stomach...