What's your stand on this?I need it for writing an essay.
Assuming you are doing this formally and it's not just an ad hoc arrangement with the owner of the stallion next door, I would hope that the owner of the stallion would not give the go-ahead if s/he was in any doubt about the suitability of the mare to conceive and carry a healthy foal to full term without danger to the mare's health. Will the mare actually visit the stallion in person or will the deed be done by artificial insemination? It's possible that the latter might be preferable and is often done as it avoids possible injuries to either animal due to the actual mating procedure (for instance, stallions can get kicked badly by reluctant or just bad-tempered mares). The people that I know who breed ponies and horses generally hold the view that it isn't a good idea to mate a maiden mare with a first time stallion but your mother and the stallion's owner will be aware of that. I understand that infertility is more likely with a mare who is over 12 years of age than with youngermares. There is a blood test to determine fertility in human females so I presume there is something similar for horses, assuming you wanted to go to that expense before going ahead. All the best with your venture and post piccies of the baby when it's born.
boy he jus said he wasnt gay and if he uploads a video he's gonna be labeled as gay as well which i doubt he will do he's just bullying you so you can continue because he likes how it feels.
He was the one who wanted to have sex, not you so not sure how he can blackmail you- he got naked and wanted sex from a guy.
Clearly you are under 18, the video is child porn. That on its own sees him going to jail. In addition he showed porn to a minor, (you) he has also made child porn (you) and my guess is he has done this to others. If you lodged a complaint to the cops he is on his way to jail. He can try to delete it, unless he really knows what he is doing he will fail as the authorities have the ability to recover things we would not believe. In addition if he did this to you he has done it to others so has other material on his phone and or home computer. If he backs up to places like I cloud, he is screwed.