I am making a small Tesla Coil, but have a question regarding the transformer. Would it work to simply wind one myself with the correct winding ratio to get the voltage I want (around 7-10kv) or is it better to stick with a commercially available transformer? (I would rather not have to buy one) Any advice for winding a transformer?
I built a Jacob's ladder using a 15 kV neon sign transformer. I found a good used one for less than $50, and it sure beats winding the coils. Check OKorder and craigslist.
I say buy one or find one that you can have for free. Whenever I build a Tesla Coil, I consider the transformer the first line of protection for pretty much any electronic circuitry on the same mains line because it acts to isolate the Tesla coil. I would never operate a home built transformer off of mains power. However, if your insistent on doing that, all I can do is advise you to get the resistance of your primary right, otherwise your transformer will quickly melt. An easier solution would be to find and contact neon sign businesses around your area. When they have to discard an old (but not necessarily bad) transformer, it COSTS them money because the EPA requires special handling because some can contain hazardous materials. Explain what your doing and if youre lucky, youll find a tech who is open to giving you a few of their junk stock.