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THE AMAZING RACE: Kevjumba and Papa Jumba will be going home next week?

Next week they have to dace a speed bump do you think they will be gone?


I recommend NOT to use rubber as it can leave scuff marks - also never nail a pad to a heavy chair as inevitably the nailhead will find a way to scratch the floor. My tried and true (and cheap) way, is to cut small pieces of carpet and slip one of these under each 'foot' of the furniture (but underfelt might do - I like the strength of the carpet to withstand the work it has to do over long times) Yhe carpet can be cut to exactly match the 'footprint' and thus be invisible to the eye in effect - or you may cut neat shapes that you are happy to notice (small squares or stars). I use these on any floor - including over carpet - as it saves the carpet or vinyl from the indentations from heavy furniture. lastly - you can use a good contact adhesive applied to the back of carpeting - and to the 'foot' of the furniture (wait till it goes tacky then press together) if you want to make pads to fit the foot - the carpet surface goes down, to slide easily on timber floors, and the 'patch' is cut to exactly fit the foot so you don't see the ugly backing weave side.
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Extra precaution, not all fires are the same. And if might not just be the school on fire, if a student is injured or burned the fire blanket would come in handy. Also, fire extinguishers tend to ruin a lot of things, therefore, in a small fire a sand bucket would be more useful than destroying the entire classroom or building.

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