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The Best LCD Monitor For Gaming, Movies And Internet?

For a few months now I've been glued to the ViewSonic VX2025wm as the number one to get. Great for all of the above, solid reponse time and contrast ratio and widescreen. But I was wondering maybe something better will emerge soon, within a few months or is even already out now.By the way I am looking for an LCD, 20-21, widescreen and good for all the above. Also I believe there is a solid line between monitors for business, graphic design, etc and the rest of the things I mentioned. By the way what would widescreen essientally mean for pc monitor? Do you agree it is better?


I haven't had a problem with any of the Dell monitors, for gaming or otherwise. Some video and photo editing monitors are special for their color handling and reproduction abilities, like you mentioned. Widescreen is the aspect ratio between the height and width of the screen. Regular is more square while widescreen is more rectangular. For instance, 1600x1200 is a standard resolution, while 1920x1200 would be widescreen.
that or any new samsung

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