The coal industry often crushed to the full combustion, its purpose is to reduce the waste of coal (A.) B. to reduce oxygen consumption, reduce carbon dioxide C.The coal industry often crushed to the full combustion, its purpose is to ()A. reduce coal wasteB. reduce oxygen consumptionC. reduces carbon dioxide emissionsD. reduces the formation of acid rain
C, the industry often put coal after crushing, increasing the contact area of coal and oxygen, can make full combustion of coal, rather than to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, so the wrong option.D, the industry often put coal after crushing, increasing the contact area of coal and oxygen, can make full combustion of coal, rather than reduce the formation of acid rain, so the wrong option.So choose: A.
B, the industry often put coal after crushing, increasing the contact area of coal and oxygen, can make full combustion of coal, rather than reduce the oxygen consumption, so the wrong option.
A, the coal industry often crushed, increasing the contact area of coal and oxygen, can make full combustion of coal, reduce coal waste, so the correct option.