Home > categories > Measurement & Analysis Instruments > Resistance Meters > The coil resistance of the transformer can be measured using a multimeter resistor. What's wrong with the question?

The coil resistance of the transformer can be measured using a multimeter resistor. What's wrong with the question?

The coil resistance of the transformer can be measured using a multimeter resistor. What's wrong with the question?


Because the measuring range of the resistance meter of the pointer type multimeter is limited, it is generally between 0.1-10 times of the central resistance of the meter.
The general indicator type multimeter can not accurately measure the low resistance transformer coil resistance.
The transformer internal resistance may be very small, such as the resistance of the secondary coil small step-down transformer less than 1 ohms, then use pointer multimeter to measure the Rx1 file, set the central resistance is 15, the lowest effective measuring resistance is 1.5 ohms for coil resistance is less than 1 can not accurately read data, can only judge "".

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