The difference between butterfly valve and gate valve
Wedge gate valve spool angle is generally 3~6 degrees, when forced to shut down excessive or temperature changes of the valve core is easy to die. Therefore, high temperature and high pressure wedge gate valve, in the structure have taken certain measures to prevent spool stuck. The valve in the opening and closing valve and valve seat sealing surface contact and mutual friction is always so easy to wear sealing surface, especially in close off the valve, the valve before and after the great pressure, sealing surface wear is more serious.
Its varieties and quantities are still expanding, and the development of high temperature, high pressure, large caliber, high sealing, long life, excellent regulation, as well as multi-function development of one valve. Its reliability and other performance indicators have reached a high level. Disadvantages, there is a certain resistance to the medium. Gate valves are more used in steam pipes and large diameter water supply pipelines, because of the general requirements of fluid resistance is small, the use of gate valve. Valve is hand wheel rotation, stem upward movement. Flow is not the same, the gate valve requires full open. Need a higher installation space, the valve sealing surface has a certain self sealing capacity, its spool by the media pressure closely with the valve seat sealing surface contact, to achieve tight leakage.
Butterfly valve role, butterfly valve is used to open and close disk type reciprocating rotation of about 90 degrees to open, close or adjust the flow of a medium valve. The butterfly valve has the advantages of simple structure, small volume, light weight, material consumption, installation of small size, the driving performance of torque is small, simple operation, rapid, high chemical corrosion, and can also have good flow control function and closure characteristics, the use of butterfly valve is very extensive.