The difference between rotary vortex flowmeter and vortex vortex flowmeter
According to this principle, a flow meter is called a vortex flowmeter or a swirl swirl flowmeter
According to this principle, a flow meter is called a vortex flowmeter or a Kaman vortex flowmeter.Using the principle of rotary type vortex flowmeter: a group of twisted blades arranged in the pipeline of the vortex generator, which occurs when the fluid passes through the rotation, and the vortex formation in the vicinity of the center line of the pipeline, the pipeline around the vortex center side of the center line of rotation, while with fluid forward while expanding the radius of rotation, the vortex center into a a similar line of conical spiral precession motion. Then for a little wall in the rear of the vortex generator, the fluid velocity will occur through a cyclical change, the frequency and velocity of the fluid, the detection frequency can be obtained and obtain the flow velocity value.
Although these two flowmeters are all based on the principle of fluid oscillation, two entirely different principles are used respectively.Using the Kaman principle: Vortex Flowmeter in the fluid through a cylindrical object, in the object back to the vortex fluid on both sides, when one side vortex development will suppress the other side of the vortex, when one side of the vortex development to a certain extent will be from columnar objects with the fluid to produce the new vortex in the in situ, while the other side of the vortex due to the loss of repression and development, and suppress new vortex, the alternating process occurs in two columns, and the flow rate of the fluid occurrence frequency, the frequency of detection can be obtained and obtain the flow velocity value. This vortex is also known as vortex street, because the vortex is alternately arranged in the fluid in the back, like objects on both sides of the road.