2. To make the piston move at 5m/min, what is the flow rate of the input cylinder L/min?
The flow is equal to the cross sectional area multiplied by the flow velocity,The flow rate in the problem is the piston movement speed, 5m/minThe area is 0.5 square decimeter decimeter, the flow rate was 50 per minute,So the flow is 25L/min
The flow is equal to the cross sectional area multiplied by the flow velocity
What's the program for a cylinder? It won't be 5MQ=AV/SQ flow, A area, V speed, S travel timeSet the time to 1 minutesO=1962.5*10^-6 (M^2) * 5 (m/min) *I=9812.5*10^-6 (m^3/min) =9.825*L/min