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The floor in my house slants. How do I level it?

The kitchen floor slants from the outside wall toward the center.


Check the True Blue Contractor, they really help you.
Most likely your foundation has settled or, sank. Only way to really fix that properly would be to get under the house and jack that part up until the floor is level.
It depends on how far out-of-level the floor is. If it is less than an inch out of level then you could put plywood or luan in the low area and use a leveling compound to feather the edges and bring everything up to one level plane. If it is more than an inch it would probably be best to remove the subflooring (plywood) and then one of four things; 1) Correclty install new floor joists. 2) Remove and re-hang the old floor joists (level of course) 3) Cut shims glue and nail them to the tops of the joists 4) 'Sister' new joists along side the old joists. Finally you would need to put subflooring back down and install new flooring. Very Important: You would want to be sure that the cause of this problem was correctly addressed. Sometimes an out-of-level floor can be indicative of pretty serious problems. Through out this process you would want to consider how these changes correspond to the level of the adjacent rooms. For example; you would not want to step up 2 inches while walking into the bathroom.
Better Questions Yield Better Answers I've had a lot of practice leveling homes, floors, and rebuilding floors. I'm afraid you've not provided enough detail here. First -- what kind of floor? Wood joists? Cement? Second -- What kind of foundation? (or is this a mobile home?) Third -- Do you know what is causing the slant? And - while you state it slants from outside wall toward the center, you didn't give us any indication whether that is a slant uphill, or downhill. Fourth -- is there any damage to the structure? How you go about re-leveling the floor will depend greatly on how you answer these questions. For example -- if this is a concrete floor - you're most likely going to have to call in a mudjack crew (if it is ONLY the floor that is sloping), or helical foundation repair (if the slant is downhill to the outside wall, and the foundation has in fact settled). Usually the same business can do either type of repair, but which type depends on the answers. If this is a wood joist floor, then we'd need to know if there is, again, a foundation problem, or rotten joists, etc. -- or perhaps its a couple of bowed floor joists. Also -- what is under the floor? Do you have a crawlspace, or basement? (You wouldn't have either if this is a home built on a cement slab - but you didn't give any hints) If this is a problem with rotten joists, they would have to be replaced, of course. If this is a problem with broken joists, they can be repaired, or replaced. If this is a problem with bowed floor joists, they can be repaired. If this is a problem with structural supports they can be releveled. If this is......and the list goes on, hehehehe. Feel free to email me, if you'd like to discuss this project further. I can walk you through what will need to be done, but we have to have more details. Good Luck

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