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the Homestake gold mine has quartz veins, what caused this?

contact or regional metamorphism of quartz sandstonemetasomatismhydrothermal activity ormigmatites


Below is the Quartz Set. QUARTZ Clear Trans- All-purpose, all healing, amplifies personal thought-forms, transmutes energy point and forms protective shield around auric field, excellent for meditation stone, color work, aura work, very energizing. IRRADIATED Very Absorbs all forms of negative QUARTZ Black energy, placed on or near electrical equipment (T.V., microwave, computer) to absorb harmful energies. ROSE QUARTZ Pink Heart Comforts heart from all wounds, helps heal emotional pain, enhances love, self-love, positive outlook, joy and oneness, helpful for heart, throat, ears, nose, sinuses, kidneys, hypertension. SMOKEY Black Root, Eases depression, fear and panic, QUARTZ Grey Solar- clears aura, very grounding, Plexus enhances positive attitudes, tranquilizes, works well with root chakra to release negative blocks emotional and physical, used for menstrual cramps, intestines, stomach and digestion. Rutilated Quartz : Sun, Uranus. High electrical charge. Powerful healer. However, I don't believe it is actually white. Edit: I became curious so I took The Dictionary of Geologic Terms Prepared by the American Geological Institute. Off the shelf and scanned it for a White Quartz.. Then I checked with a friend. Apparently the only way to get white Quartz is to deliberately roughen the facets with a fine grain wheel.
I think you may be referring to snow quartz. Generally speaking, quartz is a power stone that harmonises and balances. It purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical, as well as enhancing energy and thoughts. Quartz has been used to counter black magic, as well as communicating with those on the other side. Specifically, Snow Quartz brings good fortune. It calms, soothes and is helpful for meditation and looking within. Snow Quartz can also be used for purification. I can't think of a specific website for you, but I have a book by a woman called Melody called Love is in the Earth. Maybe do a search and see if she has a website.
White Quartz Meaning

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