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The monk with a bowl out what's it called? Why is that?

The monk with a bowl out what's it called? Why is that?


Beg for alms. Wide knot good marriage, purdue beings.
The beggar, best alms. Farming is no free food to others. "Benefactor, a grain of rice as big as mount meru, this life is not the word and wear MAO Angle also". Free the somebody else is to repay, the word can be degrees of donor, not the word and well.Don't think that's begging alms food or oneself, monks, industrious. Don't delude ourselves.
beg Because in ancient India, the monk is a professional practice, not engaged in the production, so begging for food to sustain life, begging, the monk bowl up in their hands, allow yourself to be donor put the food into the bowl, so called "beg". After Buddhism spread to China, the tang dynasty when Chinese buddhist reform according to their own national conditions, the monk all agriculture plant vegetables, self-sufficient, rarely seen beg for slowly. Today's Chinese clergy, someone advocates beg for practice, and the restoration of the Buddha practice way, so now can occasionally see beg. To double monk, we meet beg, respect, because they are from, is a great family.

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