engineering trivia q/a.air foil technology brings forth the star trek hydro turbo lift this a form of hydrolisis or numeric numatic.or a fancy engineering term .for its transport make up.taking into account 0 gravity‘s positive/negitive effects.hydro,or num;? signed;degoi of our empire earths;new futuristic systems; of which you are a necesity;engineering specialist beyond 2007.
What? None of the above, lookup maglev maybe not _exactly_ the same, but gives one some idea. Hydraulics are a problem for long distances and high speeds, and pneumatics make precise positioning relatively difficult.
The turbolifts use some fancy engineering using anti-gravity techniques. They can operate at accelerations that would cause discomfort to the passengers in the lift-car, so they compensate with inertial dampening fields. That would be *very* fancy engineering. .
congratulations thats the worst spelling ever. hydrolysis using electricty to seperate hydrogen and oxygen nu-matic pneumatic The start trek ship has artifical gravity, so its turbolifts dont operate in zero gravity. The turbolifts are mag lifts I think, making them electromagnetic in nature.
congratulations thats the worst spelling ever. hydrolysis using electricty to seperate hydrogen and oxygen nu-matic pneumatic The start trek ship has artifical gravity, so its turbolifts dont operate in zero gravity. The turbolifts are mag lifts I think, making them electromagnetic in nature.
What? None of the above, lookup maglev maybe not _exactly_ the same, but gives one some idea. Hydraulics are a problem for long distances and high speeds, and pneumatics make precise positioning relatively difficult.
The turbolifts use some fancy engineering using anti-gravity techniques. They can operate at accelerations that would cause discomfort to the passengers in the lift-car, so they compensate with inertial dampening fields. That would be *very* fancy engineering. .