Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > USB Flash Drives > The U disk is inserted into the computer with a flag display, but the U disk is not found in my computer.

The U disk is inserted into the computer with a flag display, but the U disk is not found in my computer.

Statement, not U disk problems, several U disk tried, can not show, ah, to cry


You can reload the driver, or change to the back of the USB socket to try, it should not be a system problem, there may be USB interface is not compatible
Have you done that? If the U disk is no problem, you can enter it and enter diskmgmt.mscLook, if there is a U disk display on the inside, if not the letter, he added a, for example: O, this is OK
Incompatible question, what does win8 say? I don't feel mature!After you update the driver, try, but not yet, try changing the drive symbols in the Administration

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