Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Heat Exchanger > there is an unpleasant oder coming from my CRANE XL13C heat-pump when the heat is on. Why is this happening?

there is an unpleasant oder coming from my CRANE XL13C heat-pump when the heat is on. Why is this happening?

there is an unpleasant oder coming from my CRANE XL13C heat-pump when the heat is on. Why is this happening?


if it is strictly a heat pump .it is very common to get odors in the heat season ;dont go getting the lysol out;you want to get something that wont make it worse; best to consult a reputable ac company if not;there are products that will counteract bacteria and stale smells.your filter should be totally clean as should your evaporator coil and interoir air handler.look up bbj products or odo ban they are non taquifiers they wont worsen the odor;hopefully is just algae or stale smell ?these products will neutralize formicary or biological odors?not anything fecal or rodent odors`start cheap at worst youll have part sanitized your system it it persists call a reputable ac company and ask them to bring oxine ad or a betadyne treatment with them;its pretentious but at least youll get something for your call,...
If you haven't used it for a while, a furnace will have collected different deposits on the heat exchanger inside the furnace (aerosol sprays, cooking smoke and vapors, and even fine dust). So, when you first turn on the furnace after not being used for a while, all this stuff burns off and you get a funky smell for a while. That or some critter crawled inside one of your ducts and died.

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