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Thinking of growing some fruits/veggies in my garden.. but I have no experience. help.?

I was wondering if it was okay to grow something small to begin with, on a bed? not on the floor, because i have dogs, and i know they will get in my garden and becausue if i plant them on a bed it will be easier for me to take care of the plants. and easier for me to get rid of the insects. is it expensive to do this? or am i better of buying my own fruits and vegetables? I live in Los Angeles, CA in the city. and was wondering what would be the best time to plant. and finally are there any good books you recommend, and any tips? thank you for your time.


you could visit the gardenng websites.............you could plant chiilly and tomato seeds which grow very fast in pots..................you could also try a lilherb garden plant some coriander seeds this summer
the best thing to grow is some dank weed its good for u
The biggest part of any good garden is the soil. I had a 16' X 24' raised bed garden. I bought an inexpensive home garden tiller (look up Mantis Home Garden Tiller online. I think mine was about $300), peat moss (to help the soil hold moisture), bagged manure to feed your plants, and an inexpensive book on gardening for beginners (go to the library and save some money on this). Get a small sample of the soil tested to check acidity level. Some veggies and fruits like acidic soil and other don't. Tomatoes are the best to grow in acidic soil. I used cinder blocks to frame the garden bed and got them at a Home Depot or a Lowe's.Plan out an area that you want to locate your garden bed. If you live in a condo or apartment, you can always do container gardening. I've been collecting kitty litter buckets to hold my garden soil since I'm living in an apartment and my yard area is only asphalt. I'm using about 24 kitty litter buckets that had held 35 pounds of kitty litter. Gardening is personally rewarding and fun. Living in RI, I have a shorter growing season than you. Does some online research to find out the earliest you can start planting in your area before you get started. I bought a book called Complete Guide to Vegetables, Fruits Herbs and it cost me about $12.76 at the time. Lots of fruits, berries and vegetables can be purchased as starter or cheater plants. Do you research, plan your area, work or till your soil (if you have a yard), chose your crop type, and have fun! Start small at first, you can always get bigger if you have the room and the money. They make special terracotta pots (either plastic or clay. I got a plastic one cheap.) that you can plant 12 strawberry plants in at one time. Strawberries are great and last year after year if you plant them in mounds in your yard. If you don't have a yard and just use a pot, you'll have to plant them every year (I think. I only planted them in a strawberry pot 1 time). Good Luck!

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